Friday, March 19, 2010

To Blog or Not to Blog...That is the question.

I have toyed with the idea of blogging for years now, never knowing if I really had enough to say or write. But, it appears to me that everyday there is either a lesson to learn, a reason to smile, a reason to cry, a reason to vent, a reason to be thankful, a reason to go on and on and on and on. You get the picture.

Now, what to talk about on my blog debut... Should I remember this day like a virgin touched for the very first time, as my blog virginity is being explored. Will I bore my readers to death? Will they be on their knees begging for more? Who knows, but let's see how far this gets me...

As most of you know, I am Stacy, full of sass, hence the nickname Sassy Stacy. Is it a good trait? Not sure, but it gets me by. I am actually quite shy, maybe a bit more timid, and that may be the reason I have hesitated to blog in the past.

Is there a "Blogging for Dummies" book out there? What are the rules? And how can I break them? Is there music, dancing, drinking, and laughing involved?

Will blogging become my next addiction? Watch out world, Stacy is here!


  1. oh my gosh, i love it! the first true, and it proves that you should indeed be blogging... and girl, you can never on any planet never ever be boring!!!

    i think blogging will be very good for you. it will be wonderful to look back on and reflect.

    happy blogging! :)

  2. The answer to your subject line?


    You should definitely be blogging, and I hope you keep up with this! Looking forward to reading what you have to say :-)

  3. Yayyy for you blogging! Can't wait to read your thoughts! And I, too, have toyed with the idea. I ended up just making one but I haven't posted anything yet lol. Have fun with yours!

  4. Absolutely blog my friend! Looking forward to many more!
